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We haven't been around for a while but we will see what we can do now.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Just doing some laundry and thinking about how my 8 month old is nearly out of diapers. Well she probably has at least a year to go. However when Micah was this age I thought that I would never be done doing diapers. I use cloth diapers at home and disposable when we are out so washing diapers is an issue. However I don't find it any harder to use cloth diapers than disposable. And when you rinse and soak your diapers. And wash every 2 ot 3 days. I don't find that awful, disturbing smell of a poopy diaper in the trash!!!!
This adventure of child rearing which is a life time commitment just seems so short to me now. First riding a bike and then they will be driving a car and shortly after they will be off to college. I wonder will I teach them all they need to know to make the best choices for their life. I pray that I will lead to their savior...that they could learn to seek him for the decisions in their lives. My time as their Mom is so short. They make me really happy. I delight in their acomplishments. I hold them and pray for them when they are hurt. I am excited for all that is yet to come.

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