Welcome to our page.
We haven't been around for a while but we will see what we can do now.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Vern gets a Sunday off preaching. There will be a church member speaking. So we get to go to church as a family for a change. Jaala has been having some tummy trouble. Vern took her late tonight to see the doctor. We aren't sure if it is an attention thing or if she is really going through something. She seemed to be having sharp pains tonight and had some really bad gas. Poor little thing. She will be 5 in May but she still is my baby. In some ways she seems so grown up but she still has a baby face.

Vern and I had gone on a date tonight. We had a nice dinner alone and then went to a show and Walmart. The nearest Walmart is 45 minutes away. SO that is a treat too. We received a digital camera for christmas so I may post photos more often. However I needed some rechargable batteries and a memory card. Still experimenting with all the details of the digital world but having fun.

I have had a cold for the better part of 2 weeks. I am seeing my doctor Monday for the baby so I have just coped the best I could/ Trying to use as little tylenol as possible. I don't want to take anything unless I have to being pregnant. Micah is looking forward to going back to school Monday and Leah is growing like a weed. My friend Joanne saw her tonight and it has been a few months, she was just amazed at all the changes.

Vern does a lot of talking with her. She loves to parrot and try and say whatever we are saying. Most words come out a lot like"da da" However she also does Mommy, mama, baby, bye, Cheeseburger comes out a lot like "chi-chi-cha"
But the laugh is priceless, Ha-ha-ha-ha!

All for now. Happy 2007!!!

1 comment:

Erin Rebecca said...

Hi! How are things? Kuchtas- you can't ask people to post until you do:)