Welcome to our page.
We haven't been around for a while but we will see what we can do now.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Well I have become a gardener. Sort of. We planted a garden, my neighbour and I. She has been a good coach. First we got the crop in. Then she and her husband brought their cultivator through a couple times. She has also pulled many weeds for me and got rid of last years raspberry plants. Every so often she brings me stuff she picked. And she informs me what should be ready.

I love to visit, I need to plan time to pick. Because in Harvest season you harvest. I haven't had much time around Leah's naps and during the day it has been hot. I have gained much respect for those who are good at it though. My back begins to hurt and the heat. Still they press on. We did have a garden when I was younger. I benefited from the tomatoes, carrots, and Zuchini dad planted but I had very little to do with the harvest. I might have gotten out once a summer for a half hour of weeding! And I would raid the strawberries.

This summer we have been picking raspberries. And more raspberries. And more raspberries. There are still a few tasty treats on those vines. And today I shelled my peas. The plants are pretty dry so I don't reckon that we will get much more from those. I picked a few tomatoes and lots of cucumbers! The lettuce and spinach are winding down, and the corn is doing well. I haven't checked my beans or potatoes but some of that should be ready too. One advantage from all my vegetables I read is that you cannot get fat on food that grows in the garden.

We have had a busy summer and are headed to Andrea's wedding soon. Looking forward to spending time with family and friends. I can't believe 4 weeks is back to school. I have new shelves and a dresser so hopefully I can get more organized soon. Hope you are blessed by finally a new entry from me.

The Lord God took the man and
Put him in the Garden of Eden
to work it and take care of it.
And the Lord God commanded
the man,"You are free to eat from
any tree in the garden;
Genesis 2:15-16


Anonymous said...

Hello Vern and Kathleen,
You may remember me, Clayton DeCorte from highschool, Vern, You alot earlier from our days at Rosslyn Road. I regularly read Paula's blog and therefore check yours every now and then.
I just wanted to say hello to you and hope things are well and good, as they appear to be!
I own a house and live in Toronto, and work as a dental hygienist, with a very happy, fulfilled life. I travel a lot, and enjoy the finer things in life. Although I'm not married, I am in a great relationship with a wonderful, caring person.
Just wanted to say hello and let you know that I remember you both and often check your blog.
Take care, and Vernon, please say hello to your sister Christine.
All the best in the world,
Clayton DeCorte

Anonymous said...

Hey Clayton!

Of course, I remember you! Good to hear from you and glad things are going well! Give us your email address and we'll keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

please feel free to send me an email at calebcafe@hotmail.com.
Would be great to hear from you and to know how your parents and sister are doing!