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Friday, November 16, 2007

For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles
at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.
James 2:10

As I continue to study, Intimate Friendship With God, I wonder why? Why do we as Christians seem to think we can pick and choose what Laws of God that we will follow. If the Laws were given for our benefit, why do we continue in the same sins? Or pretend that our sins are really NOT sin.

As the author discusses different attitudes toward sin I find myself in all the categories, depending on the sin, or on the time in my life. I have used circumstances to justify my "little sins".

Level 1-We do not sin because the consequences are too great. (Not that we hate sin.)

Level 2- We live by the Golden Rule. This person wants peace at any price and cannot understand anyone who is so radical that he would try to change the status quo of his life or anyone else's.

Level 3- The sincere Christian who earnestly desires to please the Lord. He does not want to sin and is deeply concerned when besetting sins are in his life. He is deeply concerned and longs for freedom.

Level 4- The person who has the Fear of God upon him. He hates sin; therefore, he seldom sins.
When he does there is a quick awareness of sin and immediate repentance.

...Through fear of the LORD a man avoids evil.
Proverbs 16:6b

True repentance is a change of heart towards sin. How we think of it, turn from it. There is a change in our actions.

Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.
1Timothy 2:19b

Through Christ's death we are called to live holy lives. Why do we keep on sinning. 2 Timothy 14-26. Gives us a discription of how we should live. It is hard to live. But don't we want to be more like him?

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